Case Studies

Airtel MG Motor Case Study – Gujarat, India

MG Motors has been able to provide a seamless experience to its customers with the help of Airtel IoT solutions for vehicles, providing them with a proactive support for its telecommunication needs.

Airtel Kent CamEye Case Study – Delhi, India

A detailed case study on how Airtel is Beneficial For KENT CamEye

Airtel Ezetap Case Study – Bengaluru, India

Ezetap, payment solutions have always prioritised their customers experience in the course of their work, with Airtel’s similar work ethos and suite of services revolving around digital payments, the organisation found a reliable partnership through Airtel IoT. Airtel brought in world-class connectivity solutions to the table, through which Ezetap were able to successfully provide an A-Grade payment system to their customers, revolutionising their experience